Thursday, October 20, 2011

A day in the life of......

Theseus, was a brave 16 year old teenager. He told stories to his friends of how he had killed a monster called the Minotaur. Every one loved his stories but no one believed it. He tried, and tried over and over again to get them to believe him, but it didn't work, till one day he said he was going to come face to face with another evil monster and kill it and bring it back home. Before he left he was very nervous for this day, he was scared he was going to die and no one would remember him, so he asked 3 of his friends to go with him on this unforgettable adventure. Hercules, Jason and Argonauts had said yes.

The day finally came. They where in the kingdom waiting for the right time, till the people got bored and just kicked them out, since they couldn't wait any longer. The journey began. As the walked through the forests and mountains and along the rivers and lakes, the came upon things they would have never thought to find on there way. They killed and captured these things and almost died facing these things. They found a place to build a hut, make their food and so on. They went hunting for food to cook and eat, and tried finding big shells where they could carry water and drink out of. They continued like this for about 5 years.

The night had finally come where Theseus felt the earth moving, he heard foot steps, not normal but huge. He said to be quiet and walked out of the hut. Him and his friends had found foot steps, not normal but huge, and followed them. They played quietly for this to be the night where they would actually find this monster every one feared. No one even dared to say its name. The Poloplanymos actually existed. As their eyes opened wide to see the monster, Theseus was blinded because he had looked straight into the eye of the monster. His 3 friend where fighting the monster trying to kill it, but it was hopeless. Theseus stood up and said, don't bother he said, i will kill it. He stood up grabbing something from the ground and through it at the monster. The monster cried in pain, and fell down to the floor dead. It was a stick, a stick that killed that thing hos friends say. You are a true hero they said in delight, a true hero and everyone well remember you.

When they got back home after 5 years, everyone said to Theseus, you almost died to show us you where not lying, that is what a great hero does. They celebrated that day even though Theseus couldn't see. After a few years he was healed, and was happy to be a hero who everyone loved. 

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