Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Spartan Way


Sparta's desire for a strong army had a great deal to do with its relationship with neighboring Messenia. Sparta conquered Messenia which gave them control over a large area of fertile control. The Spartans demanded that any food grown by the people living in Messenia had to to give have of their food to the Spartan's. For more than 200 years Sparta was the most powerful city-state in ancient Greece. The Power of Sparta came from the professional army. Brutal training and discipline made Sparta's army one of the most-feared fighting forces ever.
Athens was the birthplace of democracy, where all citizens could vote on city matters. Sparta was a a secretive place and was run by the wealthy/rich families. Spartan's kep few writen records and left few ruins for historians to study.

QUOTE: "The boys also steal whatever provisions they can, thereby learning how to pounce skillfully upon who are asleep or keeping guard carelessly" wrote pone historian who lived in ancient times.

CITATION:  Price, Sean. "The Ancient Olympics." The Ancient World. Print. 

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